High-Proof PDX author Karen Locke takes us on a four corners tour of Portland's best distilleries. Whether you live in Northwest, Southwest, or The Pearl, you'll be able to find a great tasting room to try a new craft spirit or enjoy your all-time favorites. Featuring over a dozen local distilleries, this tasting tour is not to be missed.
Just as you can go to a brewery or an urban winery in Portland, you can tour distillery tasting rooms where Portland’s spirits are made. A majority of the distilleries are located in inner Southeast, where distilleries first started popping up in the early 2000s. Many of the distilleries in SE can be reached on foot and producers in this area have joined forces for events and marketing efforts as Distillery Row.
Northwest Portland, also referred to as the NW Distiller’s District, has three distilleries producing gin, brandy, whiskey, aged vodka, and more. While downtown and North are the outliers with just one distillery in each “quadrant,” you’ll still want to make a pit stop for mini craft cocktails and tasters. Some distilleries even give tours and offer whiskey making classes. Check out the best distillery tasting Portland has to offer.
Find the whole tour here and join us for the High-Proof PDX launch party Thursday September 7 at Bit House Saloon.