Here’s a funny thing about theme days on the calendar: most of us don’t know about them. There’s a Watermelon Day, Left Handers Day, even a Rollercoaster Day. If these were on your calendar already, would you make a special effort to celebrate them? Well, August 9th is Book Lovers Day and as a proud bibliophile, I don’t need a special day on the calendar to love books. I have bookshelves full of them. From books about writing, biographies, literary fiction, mass market fiction, lots of young adult, and even a few children’s books I read yearly.
Let’s talk some fun ways to celebrate Book Lovers Day. First, check the calendar. If you are like me, your days are either FULL, or get that way as soon as the day starts. So I’m literally blocking out four hours of the day to sit and read a book I’ve been dying to finish. If you aren’t able to set aside that kind of time, maybe a lunch break read-a-thon with a picnic lunch is more achievable.
Second, what book are you going to read? Is there one you started months ago and no matter how often you have it on the nightstand, it just doesn’t get finished? Or a new title a friend just raved about? If I don’t have a specific book I want to read, I like to pick two or three and give them at least 50 pages to hook me. If it doesn’t that day, I move on and hope it will another time. Here’s a list from Parade magazine to check out.
Third, show an author some love. When’s the last time you wrote an Amazon or Goodreads review, or posted to an author’s Facebook page? Authors love this! Lots of authors respond too! How cool is that?!
Lastly, take the time to enjoy a book. Whether you spend the whole day reading, or it’s how you end the day, book lovers day is every day. No special calendar reminder needed. Looking for a good book to dive into? Check out Overcup’s titles here. Read on, bibliophiles!