Do you want to experience Oregon craft spirits, even after you've left our gorgeous state? Do you want to give the gift of Oregon craft spirits to friends and family across the country? High-Proof PDX author Karen Locke thinks you should check out The Crafted Life, where you can have a great spirits shipped right to your door, or stock up your home bar with fun glassware. 

If you’ve ever checked a bottle of whiskey, beer or wine pre-fight in your suitcase—only to arrive at your final destination to the heart-stopping view of luggage that appears to have been drop kicked—you know how stressful it can be to fly with liquids. One company, The Crafted Life of Bend, has developed a solution for spirit loving travelers all while driving online sales of spirits made in Oregon.  

The business is a joint venture between a professional marketing agency and an event management and publishing consultancy with a goal of furthering the distilling industry through online sales, according to Crafted Life. The local company benefits travelers too though, not just distilleries.


Photo from Crafted Life

Read the full post here and learn more about Crafted Life services and accessories here


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