The worlds of comedy, makeup, and marijuana have never been as closely intertwined as they are now in a Youtube video of Brandi Fernandez. Fernandez’s high makeup tutorials on her account Brandi TV went viral on the internet, earning her a genuinely unique and comedy driven brand on the social media platform. Her first viral video, earning her 2.6 million views, was titled ‘Grinch Makeup Tutorial After Special Treats.’ The video’s content is exactly what one would expect, as Fernandez takes the edibles, paints her face green, and glues on comically long eyebrows to complete her Grinch makeup look. Her contagious laughter and priceless commentary during this video are emanated throughout her entire channel, building the foundations for a successful Youtuber.
Fernandez’s comedic flare never faltered in her videos, ultimately earning her over one-million subscribers on her Youtube channel! Obviously ecstatic for her achievement, Brandi Fernandez created a new video for the occasion featuring 99 WAYS TO MAKE A PIPE: PROBLEM SOLVING FOR POT SMOKERS by Brett Stern!
Though the original plans for the video fell through (as her text introduction blamed the setback on some ‘indica cookies’), she pressed on with some new ideas. After fits of laughter and a hastily applied contour, Brandi TV began her pipe-crafting journey with the classic cream cake. Her concentration paid off, even with a few pitfalls on the way there, and she created her first cream cake pipe! Fernandez went as far as to test the pipe out for her viewers showing that her efforts were rewarded in a puff of cakey, sweet smoke.
She signed off with a heartfelt thank you to her subscribers and some playful bloopers over the course of her Youtube career. Make sure to check out her channel for more of Brandi TV’s humorous, weed-friendly, makeup activities! And, of course, make sure to get your own copy of 99 WAYS!