99 Way book cover

Brett Stern, the mind behind 99 Ways to Make a Pipe: Problem Solving for Pot Smokers, is an author and industrial designer who currently holds 8 utility patents, as well as trademarks in 36 countries for his invention Beer Chips®. In 99 Ways to Make a Pipe, Stern utilizes his inventive mind to help out any stoner who finds themselves with too much weed and nothing to smoke with. He is also the author of 99 Ways to Open a Beer Bottle Without a Bottle Opener (Chronicle, 2014) Stern currently resides in Portland, Oregon and enjoys spending his time biking and thinking of new inventions that can make the world a better place (as well as get some laughs).

Press for Brett Stern's previous books and inventions:

99 Ways to Open a Beer Bottle Without a Bottle Opener and Inventors at Work: The Minds and Motivation Behind Modern Inventions

Year Round Giving Season

Stern talks Inventors at Work at Google

FMYI Podcast Interview

The Dawn of the Beer Chip

History of the Beer Chip

2019 Book Design Award Winners 

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